Wed, 27 May 2015
It's been a slow burn so far in this season of Game of Thrones, but the latest episode "The Gift" finally delivers on a few of the promises laid down over the last few episodes. The Cast Beyond the Wall is here to talk about some of the most anticipated moments of the entire series including Tyrion's meeting with Daenerys and Cersei's swift self-imposed downfall. Did they live up to the five seasons worth of build up? The Lannisters weren't the only family getting some great material this week. Further north, Stannis is faced with the decision of whether or not to sacrifice his daughter to ensure he defeats the Bolton's in battle. House Baratheon has made some pretty impressive strides in redeeming Stannis this year, but it seems as if he's faced with a choice that could define the legacy of his character. Dorne continues to be one of the most poorly executed storylines in the history of the show. Between Jamie's failure to win over Myrcella and Bronn's half baked piece of fan service in the jail cell, it's not shaping up to be everything Oberyn promised us. Tune in to hear our in-depth thoughts on each scene of The Gift. Enjoy the show! Don't miss all of the latest Game of Thrones updates at We Got This Covered |